1. silly heart

a day dreamer, someone who is always thinking positive, has [un]reachable dreams. a person who is always optimistic.
She dreams of wealth, fortune, and fame and still believes in Unicorns. Shes a silly heart. (courtesy of Urban Dictionary)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

chili trials prt. 1

A few months ago I decided to try making chili. I love to cook and I really wanted to use my parents' old crock pot. In the end I was pleased that at least it actually tasted like chili, but it was bland, boring and nothing I would ever enter into a contest. So I decided that I would keep trying until I was happy with the results and off I went to the grocery store for my first attempt at something better...

How perfect! There were FIREMEN at the grocery store when I was shopping for ingredients. Not only did this give me a little something something to look at but it was a sign - everyone knows that firemen eat chili, it's their "thing". Have no fear, the store was not on fire and I was able to go in.
 Upon return I started cooking....one of my favorite smells in the whole world is carrots, onions and celery cooking. Such a nostalgic smell!

Next time I might start using more whole ingredients....

I used FRESH jalapenos instead of the canned...much more delish!

beautiful colours!

I did say my parents' OLD crock-pot...

I added allspice and lots of chipotle seasoning this time around...gave it some oomph!

 The finished product! It was definitely more tasty than my first try. The great thing about chili is that you can add anything and play around with ingredients. Any "secret" ingredients you'd like to share?

(If I'm going to be food blogging more, I should probably get better dishes...)

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